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The science behind using ear seeds for weight loss

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The science behind using ear seeds for weight loss
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If you’ve never even heard of ear seeds before — allow us to calm your nerves. Nothing will be growing from your ears and they aren’t as strange as they may sound.

People use acupuncture for all kinds of reasons — from handling stress to improving digestion, managing discomfort from chronic disease and yes, even losing weight.

But, what exactly are ear seeds? And how would you go about using them? Here is everything you need to know about ear seeds for weight loss.

What are ear seeds?

Ear seeds are small organic seeds that are taped to the skin of your ear to stimulate acupressure points. They can be made from many materials; including rice, magnetic pellets, and Vaccaria (a type of plant) [2].

When you press down on an ear seed, you should feel a gentle sensation which could include burning, soreness, numbness, swelling or heat. Remember, this should feel gentle.

The reason for pressing down on the seeds is to stimulate the specific points they are placed on. Depending on which acupressure point is selected, the ear seeds can be used to treat a wide range of physical and mental health concerns [6].

Ear seeds are one of many different types of auricular acupuncture, which has been practised for thousands of years in China and popularised across Europe since the 1950s. Auricular is a fancy way of saying it relates to your ears and hearing.

There is more than one way to stimulate the ears in acupuncture with other methods including [6]:

  • Needles
  • Stones
  • Lasers
  • Electric therapy
  • Hand pressure

Wasn’t there some controversy with ear seeds? 

You may have heard about some controversial ear seeds that appeared on an episode of Dragons’ Den in the UK.

In the episode, a business owner used ear seeds to treat their chronic fatigue syndrome. The controversy was around a claim that ear seeds could provide a cure for this condition.

The BBC received hundreds of complaints and removed the episode. They later reinstated it with a disclaimer that the product featured was not a cure for any condition [4].

We thought it was important to mention this here for 2 reasons. First, because we like to be transparent about all the information available on any medical treatment, whether positive or negative.

Second, because we want to reiterate that we do not believe ear seeds can be considered a cure for any condition. They are simply one helpful tool (among many) for your journey to better health. 

If you are interested in trying ear seeds, we recommend doing so with the support of a qualified health professional — both for your safety and to achieve the best results.

Can ear seeding help you lose weight?

Now that you know what ear seeds are, we can turn to the reason you’re here — weight loss. So, do ear seeds work for weight loss? We checked the latest science to find out.

Research has shown that ear seeds and other forms of auricular acupuncture can help with weight loss [1][2]. Most studies have found a reduction in body weight and BMI, with some studies also finding drops in waist-to-hip ratio, body fat mass, and waist circumference.

The treatment programs ranged from as short as 2 weeks to as long as 12 weeks. One review of multiple studies noted that longer treatment programs (12 weeks or more) seemed to have better effects.

On an interesting note, it does matter where you place the ear seeds. Many studies have compared true acupuncture (using real acupressure points) with sham acupuncture (using fake acupressure points) [5].

The sham acupuncture points were not effective, which tells us it’s not just the ear seed itself but using certain points on the ear that make a difference [2].

How does ear seeding promote weight loss?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), obesity is linked to dysfunction of your spleen, stomach and kidney. Each of these organs has an energy point located in your ear [3].

When an ear seed is placed onto these specific points and gentle pressure is applied, it stimulates the organs, helping them to function well and in turn, helping you to reduce weight.

From a scientific point of view, studies have found that acupuncture on the ears and the body can help with appetite control and food cravings [5].

There’s also some early research suggesting that ear points can help with insulin resistance, which helps regulate your blood sugars and — you guessed it — control the appetite [3].

Taking a holistic approach to weight loss

While research like this shines a positive light on acupuncture for weight loss, it’s always a good idea to look closely at the strength of the evidence and consider any co-existing treatment interventions.

For example, in a number of the studies we’ve reviewed, there was a mix of treatments at play. While acupuncture and ear seeds did feature; there were also some diet and exercise plans included [2].

That’s not to say that ear seeds can’t work on their own, but it does make it harder to judge whether the weight loss was due to the acupuncture treatment or the other interventions.

Here at Juniper, we’ve made it our mission to change the way we treat weight management. A big part of that plan is our Weight Reset Program which combines medical treatments with health coaching and a supportive community.

We’re in it with you for the long run; having helped thousands of women achieve weight loss – and maintain it. Once in the program, you’ll have regular access to a team of health professionals who are here to listen, guide and help unlock a healthier you.

Other benefits of ear seeds

As we said earlier, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to relieve symptoms of various physical and mental health conditions. Here are 4 more health benefits you might be interested in. 

Improve digestion

Feeling backed up, bloated, or gassy? Acupuncture may be able to help. A review of 15 studies found that auricular acupuncture was effective at relieving constipation [7].

One thing to note was that all the studies in this review came from China, which limits the strength of the evidence a tiny bit. Because all the study participants were from the same culture, it’s harder to apply the results to a general population.

Minimise pain

There’s plenty of research on auricular acupuncture as a pain treatment with results showing it can be effective for lower back pain and headaches [8].

Researchers found that people using acupressure points on the ear reported lower pain scores and relied less on pain medications. 

Improve mental health 

Multiple studies have found that acupressure, including ear seeds, can help with feelings of stress and other mental health issues [9][10]. 

There’s even a specific point in the ear, known as the Shen men point, which is believed to promote feelings of calm [5]. 

A number of studies on healthcare workers have also found acupressure may be useful as a preventative treatment for burnout — helping to relieve symptoms of negative mental health before they develop into burnout [9].

Better sleep

If it feels like a good night’s sleep is constantly evading you, ear seeds might offer a solution. Studies have found that auricular acupuncture can be useful for treating insomnia.

Results show people using ear seeds had higher sleep quality, stayed asleep for longer, and relied less on sleep medication [6].

Are there any risks?

One of the reasons there is so much research into ear seeds and other auricular acupuncture methods is that they are affordable, easy and safe [1]. As a non-invasive treatment option, ear seeding is generally considered safe [9].

However, there are a few minor side effects to be aware of, such as [1][7]: 

  • Redness or inflammation of the ear
  • Tenderness
  • Itchiness
  • Minor damage to skin or bleeding
  • Dizziness

If at any time, you experience side effects that concern you, speak with a qualified health provider.

What are the ear points for weight loss?

We mentioned earlier that placing the ear seeds on the right spots is important. So, where should they be for weight loss?

There are a few common points in the ear that are frequently used for weight loss, such as [5]: 

  • Hunger point: Used for appetite control.
  • Spleen and stomach point: Used for regulating your digestion.
  • Shen men point: Also known as the spirit gate, this is used to promote feelings of calm and help improve your mood.

While these points are commonly used, they are not the only ones available for weight loss. You may find your acupuncturist uses these points, but they may also add more points or decide another area is better for treating your needs.

Acupuncture is designed as an individualised medicine. This means the placement of any ear seeds or needles would be based on a discussion with your acupuncturist about your personal health concerns [2]. 

How to use ear seeds for weight loss 

Like most areas of medicine, acupuncture requires a qualified professional to help you get the best results.

While some of the study participants we’ve mentioned here were taught to apply ear seeds, the majority had the help of a registered TCM practitioner who chose where to place the ear seeds and how many to use [2].

Once the ear seeds have been applied, it is recommended that you press on them regularly throughout the day. This helps stimulate the pressure point and the organs it is connected to.

Most experts suggest pressing down on each ear seed for 1 minute at a time, up to 3 times per day [5].

One of the studies we mentioned earlier also found that semi-permanent needles were slightly more effective than ear seeds because they were constantly stimulating the acupressure points. In other words, you don’t need to remember to press on your points during the day [9].

Image credit: Pexels/Darina Belonogova

If you’ve never even heard of ear seeds before — allow us to calm your nerves. Nothing will be growing from your ears and they aren’t as strange as they may sound.

People use acupuncture for all kinds of reasons — from handling stress to improving digestion, managing discomfort from chronic disease and yes, even losing weight.

But, what exactly are ear seeds? And how would you go about using them? Here is everything you need to know about ear seeds for weight loss.

What are ear seeds?

Ear seeds are small organic seeds that are taped to the skin of your ear to stimulate acupressure points. They can be made from many materials; including rice, magnetic pellets, and Vaccaria (a type of plant) [2].

When you press down on an ear seed, you should feel a gentle sensation which could include burning, soreness, numbness, swelling or heat. Remember, this should feel gentle.

The reason for pressing down on the seeds is to stimulate the specific points they are placed on. Depending on which acupressure point is selected, the ear seeds can be used to treat a wide range of physical and mental health concerns [6].

Ear seeds are one of many different types of auricular acupuncture, which has been practised for thousands of years in China and popularised across Europe since the 1950s. Auricular is a fancy way of saying it relates to your ears and hearing.

There is more than one way to stimulate the ears in acupuncture with other methods including [6]:

  • Needles
  • Stones
  • Lasers
  • Electric therapy
  • Hand pressure

Wasn’t there some controversy with ear seeds? 

You may have heard about some controversial ear seeds that appeared on an episode of Dragons’ Den in the UK.

In the episode, a business owner used ear seeds to treat their chronic fatigue syndrome. The controversy was around a claim that ear seeds could provide a cure for this condition.

The BBC received hundreds of complaints and removed the episode. They later reinstated it with a disclaimer that the product featured was not a cure for any condition [4].

We thought it was important to mention this here for 2 reasons. First, because we like to be transparent about all the information available on any medical treatment, whether positive or negative.

Second, because we want to reiterate that we do not believe ear seeds can be considered a cure for any condition. They are simply one helpful tool (among many) for your journey to better health. 

If you are interested in trying ear seeds, we recommend doing so with the support of a qualified health professional — both for your safety and to achieve the best results.

Can ear seeding help you lose weight?

Now that you know what ear seeds are, we can turn to the reason you’re here — weight loss. So, do ear seeds work for weight loss? We checked the latest science to find out.

Research has shown that ear seeds and other forms of auricular acupuncture can help with weight loss [1][2]. Most studies have found a reduction in body weight and BMI, with some studies also finding drops in waist-to-hip ratio, body fat mass, and waist circumference.

The treatment programs ranged from as short as 2 weeks to as long as 12 weeks. One review of multiple studies noted that longer treatment programs (12 weeks or more) seemed to have better effects.

On an interesting note, it does matter where you place the ear seeds. Many studies have compared true acupuncture (using real acupressure points) with sham acupuncture (using fake acupressure points) [5].

The sham acupuncture points were not effective, which tells us it’s not just the ear seed itself but using certain points on the ear that make a difference [2].

How does ear seeding promote weight loss?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), obesity is linked to dysfunction of your spleen, stomach and kidney. Each of these organs has an energy point located in your ear [3].

When an ear seed is placed onto these specific points and gentle pressure is applied, it stimulates the organs, helping them to function well and in turn, helping you to reduce weight.

From a scientific point of view, studies have found that acupuncture on the ears and the body can help with appetite control and food cravings [5].

There’s also some early research suggesting that ear points can help with insulin resistance, which helps regulate your blood sugars and — you guessed it — control the appetite [3].

Taking a holistic approach to weight loss

While research like this shines a positive light on acupuncture for weight loss, it’s always a good idea to look closely at the strength of the evidence and consider any co-existing treatment interventions.

For example, in a number of the studies we’ve reviewed, there was a mix of treatments at play. While acupuncture and ear seeds did feature; there were also some diet and exercise plans included [2].

That’s not to say that ear seeds can’t work on their own, but it does make it harder to judge whether the weight loss was due to the acupuncture treatment or the other interventions.

Here at Juniper, we’ve made it our mission to change the way we treat weight management. A big part of that plan is our Weight Reset Program which combines medical treatments with health coaching and a supportive community.

We’re in it with you for the long run; having helped thousands of women achieve weight loss – and maintain it. Once in the program, you’ll have regular access to a team of health professionals who are here to listen, guide and help unlock a healthier you.

Other benefits of ear seeds

As we said earlier, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to relieve symptoms of various physical and mental health conditions. Here are 4 more health benefits you might be interested in. 

Improve digestion

Feeling backed up, bloated, or gassy? Acupuncture may be able to help. A review of 15 studies found that auricular acupuncture was effective at relieving constipation [7].

One thing to note was that all the studies in this review came from China, which limits the strength of the evidence a tiny bit. Because all the study participants were from the same culture, it’s harder to apply the results to a general population.

Minimise pain

There’s plenty of research on auricular acupuncture as a pain treatment with results showing it can be effective for lower back pain and headaches [8].

Researchers found that people using acupressure points on the ear reported lower pain scores and relied less on pain medications. 

Improve mental health 

Multiple studies have found that acupressure, including ear seeds, can help with feelings of stress and other mental health issues [9][10]. 

There’s even a specific point in the ear, known as the Shen men point, which is believed to promote feelings of calm [5]. 

A number of studies on healthcare workers have also found acupressure may be useful as a preventative treatment for burnout — helping to relieve symptoms of negative mental health before they develop into burnout [9].

Better sleep

If it feels like a good night’s sleep is constantly evading you, ear seeds might offer a solution. Studies have found that auricular acupuncture can be useful for treating insomnia.

Results show people using ear seeds had higher sleep quality, stayed asleep for longer, and relied less on sleep medication [6].

Are there any risks?

One of the reasons there is so much research into ear seeds and other auricular acupuncture methods is that they are affordable, easy and safe [1]. As a non-invasive treatment option, ear seeding is generally considered safe [9].

However, there are a few minor side effects to be aware of, such as [1][7]: 

  • Redness or inflammation of the ear
  • Tenderness
  • Itchiness
  • Minor damage to skin or bleeding
  • Dizziness

If at any time, you experience side effects that concern you, speak with a qualified health provider.

What are the ear points for weight loss?

We mentioned earlier that placing the ear seeds on the right spots is important. So, where should they be for weight loss?

There are a few common points in the ear that are frequently used for weight loss, such as [5]: 

  • Hunger point: Used for appetite control.
  • Spleen and stomach point: Used for regulating your digestion.
  • Shen men point: Also known as the spirit gate, this is used to promote feelings of calm and help improve your mood.

While these points are commonly used, they are not the only ones available for weight loss. You may find your acupuncturist uses these points, but they may also add more points or decide another area is better for treating your needs.

Acupuncture is designed as an individualised medicine. This means the placement of any ear seeds or needles would be based on a discussion with your acupuncturist about your personal health concerns [2]. 

How to use ear seeds for weight loss 

Like most areas of medicine, acupuncture requires a qualified professional to help you get the best results.

While some of the study participants we’ve mentioned here were taught to apply ear seeds, the majority had the help of a registered TCM practitioner who chose where to place the ear seeds and how many to use [2].

Once the ear seeds have been applied, it is recommended that you press on them regularly throughout the day. This helps stimulate the pressure point and the organs it is connected to.

Most experts suggest pressing down on each ear seed for 1 minute at a time, up to 3 times per day [5].

One of the studies we mentioned earlier also found that semi-permanent needles were slightly more effective than ear seeds because they were constantly stimulating the acupressure points. In other words, you don’t need to remember to press on your points during the day [9].

Image credit: Pexels/Darina Belonogova

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