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How to lose buttocks fat: The best exercises and lifestyle changes

Targeting specific parts of your body isn’t always as easy as you might think.

How to lose buttocks fat: The best exercises and lifestyle changes
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A minute on the lips, forever on the hips. If you’ve ever been worried about the shape of your lower body before, the odds are you’ve heard the age-old dieting mantra, but hip, thigh and butt fat aren’t necessarily just tied to what you eat.

And the question of how you can lose buttocks fat isn't one that can be answered by simply passing on the next slice of cake.

A big butt can be a sign of extra fat across the body and a point of concern for anyone looking to lose weight, so let's explore what causes butt fat, how you can reduce it, and what it takes to get you looking and feeling your best.

What causes butt fat?

Where your body stores fat is often referred to as body fat distribution, and, like with many elements of health and body image, it really relies on a wide range of factors.

Your genes and lifestyle, of course, play a huge role in this, but other factors like your hormones — particularly your oestrogen levels — ethnicity, and overall health (and any medications you may be taking to manage your health) can make all the difference as to where stubborn fat might put itself on your body [1].

That said, there’s also a lot of healthy fat in the butt, hips, and upper thighs too.

This gluteofemoral body fat is associated with a protective lipid and glucose profile, and many studies have indicated that healthy fat in a big butt can also suggest a decrease in metabolic health issues [2].

In other words, focusing less on the size of your butt, and more on an overall healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet are the best ways to both lose weight and retain those healthy fats in your lower body.

Can walking help reduce butt fat?

One of the lifestyle factors that can cause an excess of unhealthy butt fat is a sedentary lifestyle.

For those of us working in an office, it can be hard to get up and get moving, and the nature of sitting down all day has a range of impacts on our overall health.

Walking is a great way to introduce low-impact exercise into your life as you engage your gluteal muscles (aka your butt muscles) to walk without causing any strain.

Walking also burns calories, and burning more calories than you consume is vital for any and all forms of weight loss.

If you’re just starting out, introducing walking doesn’t have to be tough.

Park a little bit further away from the office, take a stroll through your favourite park at lunchtime, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or even make it social and plan regular beach or bushwalks with friends or family.

Exercise doesn’t always have to feel like exercise, and mobilising more in your everyday life won’t just help you get that butt smaller, but it’ll have you looking and feeling better too.

The best exercises for buttocks fat

Targeting specific parts of your body isn’t always as easy as you might think, so approaching exercise as a holistic, whole-body workout will often deliver the best results.

In particular, cardio exercises such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and high-intensity intermittent exercise have been found to have the best impact on both overall fitness and stubborn fat, helping not just with weight loss, but with body transformation.

Pairing cardio exercises with a workout that does target your gluteal muscles though might just help you to tighten and tone your buttocks, and slim down your hips and legs. Some of these exercises include:

Glute bridges

This exercise activates the glutes and builds your core stability simply and efficiently.

Just lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Squeeze your butt and your abs and lift your hips towards the ceiling while keeping your shoulders and head firmly on the ground.

Hold, squeezing for 2 seconds, before slowly rolling back down to the floor. Repeat.


This exercise activates your entire lower body, from your glutes to your thighs to your calves.

Keep your upper body straight, place your hands on your hips and step one leg forward, bending both knees until the back knee is just a few inches from the floor. Push back up to an upright position. Repeat for 8-10 reps, and then repeat with the other leg forwards.


This exercise helps you to build strength in your legs and butt, being a great way to tone the lower body.

Select either a lightweight barbell or 2 dumbells. Grasp them just outside the line of your knees and position your feet shoulder-width apart, facing straight ahead. Keep your heels down and your knees bent as you lift and lower the weights. Repeat.

The best thing about these sorts of targeted exercises is that they can be done at the gym or at home, so there’s no need to spend the money on the former if you’re not sure you’re ready for it yet.

If you’re just getting started, you could pair a cardio-focused run, bike ride or swim, with a selection of glute bridges and lunges in the backyard.  

Can nutrition help?

A healthy, balanced diet is vital not just for any weight loss, but for weight maintenance and overall healthy living.

In this sense, nutrition can absolutely be a significant part of helping you to lose butt fat.

In particular, try and focus on eating fewer calories and building healthy eating habits that include a range of lean proteins, healthy fats such as avocado, olives and unsalted nuts, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables, and avoid empty calories such as sugary drinks or processed food.

If you’re looking for recipe suggestions or tips on how to start some healthy habits, Juniper’s Weight Reset Program may be just what you need.

This holistic program is designed to help you keep the weight off long-term, with medical advice, lifestyle coaching, and an engaged, private community to help you build sustainable habits for lifelong results.

Lifestyle changes for losing butt fat

There are a number of factors at play when it comes to weight gain and where you store fat, but lifestyle does play a significant role, meaning lifestyle changes can help you lose fat and gain energy.

As we mentioned above, try and avoid being too sedentary in your day-to-day life. If you work at a desk job, we hear you — it’s hard, but there are plenty of little things you can do to mobilise.

Making sure you walk around more is definitely one of them, but you may also be able to access a standing desk or even an under-the-desk treadmill.

Many offices also offer well-being programs, office yoga, or discounts to gyms or clubs that can help you improve your overall fitness too. Accessing those programs, or speaking to those in charge might just open up possibilities.

Stress management also plays an enormous role when it comes to weight and health.

Stress can contribute to fat cells as it results in hormonal changes throughout the body which impacts how your body processes what it consumes.

Finding ways to combat stress with relaxation techniques such as mindfulness, reading, deep breathing, meditation, or even just spending more time on some of your favourite hobbies will improve your overall well-being, but may also help you on your weight loss journey.

Finally, making sure that you get enough sleep is vital to weight management.

We burn fat as we sleep, so getting between 7 and 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night will improve your overall health, and leave you looking and feeling better.

Can you get butt fat surgically removed?

There are a number of surgical options to shape and shrink your butt from liposuction to gluteal retraction treatment [3].

All surgical options should be discussed with a medical professional so that you can make informed choices about your health.

While surgery can be a great option to lose fat, if it's not paired with lifestyle changes, exercise and a healthy diet, the impact will be short-lived. Focusing on weight maintenance is a vital part of ensuring any weight you lose is sustainable and long-lasting.

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