Nourish Shake One Off
$ 49.00
Dietitian-approved meal replacement shakes that offer lasting weight loss, with the nutritional benefit of a balanced meal. Lose weight today with Juniper.
While menopausal symptoms vary for everyone, some might struggle with changes in their weight and shape.
During menopause, a change in hormones can alter regular functions like digestion and appetite. It can also result in changes to the distribution of body fat and mass.
While menopausal symptoms vary for everyone, some might struggle with changes in their weight and shape. This is extremely common and while it can be incredibly distressing, know that there are ways you can treat this.
In fact, this is why Juniper exists — to help women access holistic and clinical healthcare that treats menopause and weight gain while also breaking the stigma connected to these topics.
To gain a better understanding of the relationship between menopause and weight gain, we've compiled a handy guide just for you.
In scientific terms, menopause marks the end of a woman's ovulation, and by definition, is the stage of life beginning 12 months after her last period [1]. It is brought on by a natural decrease in female sex hormones, like oestrogen and progesterone.
Typically, menopause begins between the ages of 45 and 55, however, one can also experience early menopause as a result of illness, injury or other disruption to one's hormones [2][3].
In menopause, the ovaries stop releasing eggs and your periods will cease. It can also result in a number of physical and mood-related changes.
Perimenopause, on the other hand, describes the period prior to menopause, where the body adjusts to the ongoing reduction in sex hormones.
The symptoms of menopause and peri-menopause vary for all, but can include:
There is a combination of factors that can potentially contribute to weight gain after menopause.
Firstly, your metabolism tends to slow down during this period and in some cases, you can develop greater insulin resistance. You may also experience an increased appetite [1].
It's also common to feel like you have less energy, which can result in less movement and exercise. It is thought that the weight gain many women can experience is related largely to a reduction in spontaneous activity [5].
And finally, changes in oestrogen and androgen levels also affect the distribution of body fat, which can shift to your abdominal area.
It is important to note that a range of factors can contribute to weight gain at any age. These include genetic, socioeconomic, lifestyle and other health factors [1].
The amount of weight gained during menopause will vary from person to person and research can only give a ballpark figure. Keep in mind that every person's body reacts differently and not everyone will gain the same amount of weight.
A study of women in the 1980s found that the cohort gained an average of 2.5kg over three years during menopause. 20 per cent of the women gained 4.5kg or more, while three per cent lost 4.5kg or more [6].
Other studies claim the average menopausal weight gain is around 2.1kg [7].
Having said that, a lot of research concludes it is difficult to put a precise figure on weight gain related to menopause. It is agreed, however, that everybody tends to gain weight as they age and this is considered to be pretty normal.
Generally speaking, studies have found that people gain an average of 0.5kg per year, related to ageing [8].
It's common for menopausal women to experience an increase in belly fat or weight around the midsection, which is related to a drop in oestrogen hormones — this is known as hormonal weight gain.
The dominant female sex hormone, oestrogen, typically encourages weight to gather in subcutaneous tissue around the hips. During menopause, oestrogen drops and androgens rise. This encourages more fat to gather in the abdominal area [1].
Many women wonder whether menopause weight gain is inevitable and permanent, or if it is avoidable and temporary. Unfortunately, there isn't a straightforward answer to this question.
As we mentioned, all people tend to gain a small amount of body weight each year as they age. But, the symptoms of menopause and the bodily changes that occur during this time can make it extremely difficult to prevent weight gain from occurring.
It can also feel near impossible to lose menopausal weight just through a healthy diet and exercise routine. This is where Juniper comes in.
While there's no one right way to manage weight gain during menopause, there are a few things you can do to make the menopausal transition slightly easier. In fact, Juniper has a whole program dedicated to helping you improve your health through weight loss.
Juniper's Weight Reset Program is designed to help you achieve long-term weight management with the assistance of medical experts and health coaches. Get treatment that targets weight gain on a biological level, plus a dietitian-led program that supports long-term weight maintenance.
Health coaching is used to assist you with lifestyle changes including sticking with a routine and a support system of other women on the journey with you, so you feel less alone, while one-on-one health tracking gives you a personalised experience.
Weekly check-ins with your health practitioner are used to track your physical, mental and biometric health, where adjustments can be made to suit your individual needs. If you want to be supported through every step of your weight loss journey, this is how to do it.
We know that a healthy weight looks different for everyone and methods of achieving this is not one-size-fits-all.
If you are instructed to lose weight by a medical professional, you may consider reducing your calorie intake while maintaining a nutritious diet. This can be most easily achieved by cutting back on complex carbohydrates, high-fat and high-sugar foods, and following a balanced, nutritious eating regime.
If you're finding it difficult to manage your calorie intake, replacing your meal with weight loss shakes is an easy way to get the nutritional needs of a balanced meal while being low on carbs, calories and sugars. Juniper's nourish shakes are easy meal replacements and can be purchased on a subscription or a one-off if you want to try before you commit.
Considering menopause can lead to insulin resistance and high blood sugar, avoiding sugary and processed foods and consuming more low-GI foods is also recommended. Some have also found a Mediterranean diet can help with weight loss in menopause. [8]
Fad and crash diets should be avoided as these won't help you lose weight and keep it off in the long term.
It is important for folks of all ages to maintain physical activity. For women transitioning to menopause, consider trying
NOTE: An individual's exercise requirements may vary depending on body mass and other health factors. Consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.
Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) also offers a path to managing weight gain and other symptoms.
For example, for the management of menopause symptoms more generally — including hot flushes and night sweats — there is MHT, previously referred to as hormone replacement therapy.